Friday, April 17, 2009

Why is it that...

...everytime I tell someone I'm studying Psychology, they'll either go "WAH!" or "o.O" ?!



Harry MacDowel said...

coz u chose the psychopath~!


Anonymous said...

I didn't.. :P


Lin said...

harry: LOL yeah yeah...true XP

GF: aiya need to say la! haha

blushstar said... are the best person to answer that question...:P

Lin said...

well..not yet
dun call me that...wat if i can't be one?! =S said...

i have like alot of friends takin psychology. 1 half mass comm half psycho, 1 half business half psycho, 2 gonna graduate soon, another 2 plans to take psycho but wants to work first for now. even my cousin's planning to take psychology next year.
i heard its hard?


Lin said...

hey there jo! thanks for dropping by! *hugs*'s not hard, it's juz alot of work to do =S *SIGH* can't wait for May to be over. that's when i'm done with all assignments! >.<
so how's uni application going? said...

its, erm... on the way. im busy with work lately. squeezing late night movies between weekdays u know... will see how it goes la, i still have a few months ==D


Lin said...

oh, good good...=) how many unis have u applied to? well, at least ur life sounds more fun than mine. =( i dunno why life in adelaide is juz so boring!!!!! well, all the best for ur uni applications! ;) & take care!