Monday, August 06, 2012

Close call

It's a public holiday today, thus no work. Woohoo! While cleaning my room I stumbled upon my pay slips from previous months. I don't know what came over me but I actually thought that maybe I could continue working until the end of this month, just for the sake of some income. Just when I felt very determined to continue for 2 more weeks, all the work that I needed to do for tomorrow flooded my mind. That feeling of dread came over me and then I thought to myself, "Screw this! I can't wait to be out of there! No way I'm extending my stay!" Phew~ I almost made a terrible mistake!

Still watching In Time with You (我可能不会爱你), I find this quote quite true - 爱有很多种 - 爱到不知道爱也是一种. Yup, soooo true!

P.S.: Oh, all the best to you for your job interview tomorrow!!! =)


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