Sunday, January 15, 2006

*smacks forehead*


Disclaimer : i'm not trying to show off my eng or whatever whatsoever....juz trying to let out my frustration when chatting with someone who's juz not following the conversation, or rather doesn't understand at all!

this is the actual conversation (nicknames are replaced to protect the person's identity or something like that! BAH...)

HIM was asking me if i'm going overseas after my SAM program...the blanks after 'says' are those irritating 'oo' and some annoying face pops up in the conversation window...arghh...

HIM says:
after tat u going oversea
ME says:
nope...not yet
HIM says:

HIM says:
sure got one target wan mar
HIM says:
tell me la
HIM says:

he didn't ask! how was i supposed to know that he wanted me to tell him! i mean, it's not a big deal really, but i've been facing this kinda 'prob' for ages ...they sound like i do not wanna tell them i'm super secretive...well, if u wanna know something, ASK! don't go 'tell me la...' what's with the 'la'?! don't they know how to use it?! i guess malaysians have this tendency to misuse those 'ma's, 'la's and 'lo's etc...

ME says:
well, u didnn't ask
HIM says:
ME says:
y what?
HIM says:
y u said u didnt ask
ME says:
well, u didn't ask...that was y i didn't tell u
HIM says:
now i asking u mar

u tell me...did he ask?!?! NO....grrrr...didn't wanna answer him...but i was trying to be friendly

HIM says:
ME says:
HIM says:
HIM says:
go kl then go uk
ME says:
what do u think??

that 'what do u think??' was supposed to be in a sarcastic tone...*sigh* instead, he gave me his innocent opinion...

HIM says:
HIM says:
go uk can learn many things
ME says:
HIM says:
HIM says:
go ahead la
ME says:
HIM says:
how many year
ME says:
1 / 2
HIM says:
kl 1/2 n uk 1/2
ME says:
UK 1 OR 2 years
HIM says:

HIM says:
wat bidang u wantted to study


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